Write the definition of a class   Telephone . The class  has no constructors , one instance variable  of type  String  called  number , and one static variable  of type  int  called  quantity .

public class Telephone
private String number;
private static int quantity;

Write the definition of a class   Telephone . The class  has no constructors , one instance variable  of type  String  called  number , and two static variables . One is of type  int  called  quantity , initialized  to  250 ; the other is of type  double  called  total , initialized  to  15658.92 .

public class Telephone
private String number;
private static int quantity = 250;
private static double total = 15658.92;

Write the definition of a class   Telephone . The class  has no constructors  and one static  method  getFullNumber . The method  accepts a String argument  and returns it, adding  718- to the beginning of the argument . 

public class Telephone
public static String getFullNumber(String s)
return ("718-" + s);

Write the definition of a class   Telephone . The class  has no constructors  and one static  method  printNumber . The method  accepts a String argument  and prints it on the screen. The method  returns nothing. 

public class Telephone
public static void printNumber(String number)
System.out.println(number) ;

Assume  that two classes 'Temperature' and 'Sensor' have been defined. 'Temperature' has a constructor  that accepts a double  parameter . 'Sensor' has a method  named  'getReading' which returns the sensor's current reading (a double ). Write a static  method  'create' (that could be added to the 'Temperature' class ) that accepts a 'Sensor' object . 'create' gets the value  of the current reading of the 'Sensor' object , and returns a new 'Temperature' object  that is based on this reading. 

public static Temperature create(Sensor sensor)
double reading = sensor.getReading();
return new Temperature(reading);

Write the definition of a class   Telephone . The class  has no constructors , one instance variable  of type  String  called  number , and two static variables . One is of type  int  called  quantity ; the other is of type  double  called  total . Besides that, the class  has one static  method  makeFullNumber . The method  accepts two arguments , a String  containing a telephone number and an int  containing an area code. The method  concatenates the two arguments  in the following manner: First comes the area code, then a dash, then the telephone number. The method  returns the resultant string . 

public class Telephone
private String number;
private static int quantity;
private static double total;
public static String makeFullNumber(String telephone, int area)
return (area + "-" + telephone);

Write the definition of a class   Counter containing: 
An instance variable  named   counter of type  int  . 
An instance variable  named   limit of type  int  . 
A static  int variable  named   nCounters which is initialized  to  0 . 
A constructor  taking two int parameters  that assigns  the first one to  counter and the second one to  limit . It also adds one to the static variable   nCounters . 
A method  named  increment  . It does not take parameters  or return a value ; if the instance variable   counter is less than   limit , increment  just adds one to the instance variable   counter . 
A method  named   decrement that also doesn't take parameters  or return a value ; if  counter is greater than  zero, it just subtracts one from the  counter . 
A method  named   getValue that returns the value  of the instance variable   counter . 
A static  method  named   getNCounters that returns the value  of the static variable   nCounters . 

public class Counter{

private int counter;
private int limit;
private static int nCounters = 0;
public Counter(int a,int b)
public void increment(){

if (counter<limit)

public void decrement(){
public int getValue()
return counter;

public static int getNCounters()
return nCounters;

Write the definition of a class   Counter containing: 
An instance variable  named   counter of type  int  . 
An instance variable  named   counterID of type  int  . 
A static  int variable   nCounters which is initialized  to zero. 
A constructor  that takes an int argument  and assigns  its value  to  counter . It also adds one to the static variable   nCounters and assigns  the result to the instance variable   counterID . 
A method  named  increment  . It does not take parameters  or return a value ; it just adds one to the instance variable   counter . 
A method  named   decrement that also doesn't take parameters  or return a value ; it just subtracts one from the  counter . 
A method  named   getValue . It returns the value  of the instance variable   counter . 
A method  named   getCounterID : it returns the value  of the instance variable   counterID . 

public class Counter
    private int counter;
    private int counterID;
    private static int nCounters=0;
    public Counter(int c)
    public void increment()
    public void decrement()
    public int getValue()
        return counter;
    public int getCounterID()
        return counterID;


Windows on the desktop are just one of many objects  used in a graphical user interface (GUI)-- buttons, drop-down list boxes, pop-up menus, are just some of the many others. Regardless of their particular appearance, tasks, and structure, all such GUI components  share some common functionality-- which is handled in a manner unique to the actual component .
 Define an interface, GUIComponent, with the following methods : - onClick-- void-returning and accepts a single integer  parameter  - onCursorFocus -- void-returning and accept no parameters  - move -- 2 overloaded methods : both boolean -returning; one accepts a pair of integer  parameters ; the second a single parameter  of type  Position - resize-- 2 overloaded methods ; both boolean -returning; one accepts a pair of integer  parameters ; the second a single parameter  of type  Dimension


Regardless of the type  of communications device, there must be a way to transmit and receive data.
 Define an interface, CommDevice, with two methods : transmit, that accepts two parameters  -- reference  to a Destination object , and a string  (in that order), and returns a boolean ; and receive, that accepts a parameter  of type  Duration, and returns a reference  to a String .

interface CommDevice 
public boolean transmit( Destination d, String s);
public String receive( Duration d );

 Regardles of its particular nature, all financial accounts provide a way to deposit and withdraw money.
 Define an interface Account that has two methods : deposit and withdraw, both of which accept a parameter  of type  Cash and return a boolean

interface Account
 public boolean deposit(Cash c);
 public boolean withdraw(Cash c); 

 In order to respond to the click of a button, an object  must be capable of being notified when the button was clicked. This is achieved by the Button object  requiring that any such 'listener' provide a method  named  actionPerformed which can then be called to notify the listening object .
 Define an interface, ActionListener, with a single void-returning method , actionPerformed that accepts a single parameter  of type  ActionEvent.

interface ActionListener
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e);




Many systems provide the ability to have alternatives to visual or other sensory attributes (such as color or sound) for the purpose of accessibility (for example a picture to be displayed on a Web page may have a textual alternative that could be read by a text-to-speech peripheral for the usually impaired).

 Define an interface AccessibleGUIAttribute that contains a single method , getAlternativeText, that returns a string  representing the textual alternative of an object . getAlternatrive accepts no parameters .210)

interface AccessibleGUIAttribute
public String getAlternativeText();

 Define an interface GUIComponent consisting of four method declaration : 
open: void-returning, accepts no parameters 
close: both accepts no parameters , return boolean  indicating whether  or not the component  is willing to be closed at that point (for example, a text window might have unsaved data and should not be closed)
resize: void-returning accepts new width and height (integers ) in that order
move: void returning, accepts new x and y positions (in that order) respectively

interface GUIComponent
    public void open();
    public boolean close();
    public void resize(int width, int height);
    public void move(int x, int y);


Write an interface named  'Test' with the following behavior : 
a method  'getDuration' that returns a 'Duration' object . 
a method  'check' that accepts an integer  parameter  and returns a 'Result' object . 
a method  'getScore' that returns a double . 

public interface Test
public abstract Duration getDuration();
public abstract Result check(int arg0);
public abstract double getScore();

Write an interface, PointingDevice, containing: 
an abstract method , getXCoord that returns an int 
an abstract method , getYCoord that returns an int 
an abstract method , attentionRequired that returns a boolean 
an abstract method , setResolution that accepts a double  and returns a double 

interface PointingDevice{
int getXCoord();
int getYCoord();
boolean attentionRequired();
double setResolution();

public class getXCoord(){
return x;
public int getYCoord(){
return y;
public boolean attentionRequired(){
return a;
public double setResolution(double a){
return a;




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